
Sustainability is a keyword that is often said and often means nothing. You can see what we mean by this here.

Social responsibility

How KAEMP 8848 does it

KAEMP 8848 is a company founded by Prabin Thapa in Nepal and produces there. The design of the products takes place primarily in Nepal. The added value and the idea for the products come from the Himalayas. Here they are tested and improved. The workers are in direct contact with the owners of KAEMP 8848 and are trained in the company. Many of the workers are now second generation at the company and for good reason. The working conditions at KAEMP 8848 simply cannot be described with the term “fair” because they go so much further. A respectful atmosphere in which suggestions for improvement are heard and paid vacation is just as natural as training positions for the younger generation. Respect and appreciation characterize the working atmosphere. During the Covid pandemic, it was a matter of course for KAEMP 8848 to keep all employees on full pay through the months-long lockdowns. KAEMP 8848 stands against discrimination and opposes racism and the caste system. Interreligious exchange and tolerance are practiced. KAEMP 8848 is originally from Nepal and will remain so. The KAEMP 8848 family has been supporting rural communities for decades by sponsoring schools and athletes. Due to the fact that training opportunities and the labor market in Nepal are extremely poor, the country has experienced a strong exodus of young, well-trained people for decades. Prabin Thapa and the KAEMP 8848 family see it as their responsibility to be a provider of opportunities from Nepal, in Nepal - a good, safe employer and a supporting member of the country's community.

KAEMP 8848 in Germany feels this responsibility as well and gives 10% of its profits to athletes in Nepal - to level the global playing field.

Find out more about the 10%

Why it matters

Outdoor products are mostly designed in countries in the global north by multinational companies with huge budgets. These are then produced in countries in the global south. The intellectual property does not lie in the country of production and even the factories often do not belong to people from the respective country of production. Even when people talk about fair working conditions, this is often a questionable concept. If fairness means that people receive a wage that is just enough to live on, some companies are already complying with this. But in our opinion, fairness is so much more. Fairness is ownership of the idea. Fairness is participation in the creative processes and freedom. The term “Fair Trade” often carries a derogatory connotation. This is reinforced by the fact that power relations between workers and the parent company abroad are extremely unequal. In our opinion, the absolute least we should do as humans is to meet as equals and be aware of the cultural and historical contexts that arise in global trade.

This means an awareness of equality, justice and therefore real fairness. Because in our opinion, fairness is about participation and dialogue and not a marketing term that ends with good pay. Fairness is meeting at eye level.

Ecological Responsibility


KAEMP 8848 does not use PFAS chemicals in its treatment and relies on PU-based, recyclable membranes. Because functionality does not have to come at the expense of the environment.

A sustainable product lasts a long time - and is repaired instead of thrown away. With Patch Up, damaged products are repaired using offcuts. This saves waste and makes each part unique. Because the most sustainable product is the one that does not need to be replaced.

Almost all materials are recyclable. Old KAEMP 8848 products can be handed in at many outdoor retailers and returned to the cycle.

animal welfare

The down used comes from Canada - certified according to CDS and RDS, the highest standards for species-appropriate husbandry. No animal cruelty, no live plucking, no waste. Those who value real responsibility know where their materials come from.

Certificates – A Promise Instead of a Seal

Certificates can help, but they are no substitute for real sustainability. KAEMP 8848 relies on transparency instead of a jungle of labels. RDS and CDS certified, yes - but above all driven by real responsibility. Further independent audits such as those by the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) are in the works. Because here it is the actions that count, not the logo.

KAEMP 8848 – a company from Nepal that shows what real sustainability means.

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